Saturday, 9 July 2016

Black Lives Matter: The fight against the police state, racisim and ignorance

Here are some pictures I took at the Black Lives Matter Rally held in Edmonton Alberta. With the epidemic of Police Brutality affecting Americans/ and other visible minorities world wide BLM is protesting to wake up the masses. BLM movement is protesting right now after video footage of 2 unarmed black males being executed by the hands of police officers. The rhetoric surrounding the BLM movement is that they are a terrorist organization spreading hate. This is a complete farce just as the idea that all cops are evil killers. I feel the systemic racial divide the system keeps breeding creates fear and tension among visible minorities and authority. To put it in simple terms the system is broken and it needs to be fixed. Right now someone of color is being targeted, and falling victim by the police state. That's why it's important to speak up as a citizen, and voice your opinion in this free democracy. And that's why BLM is one of the most important movements in Amerikkka. I noticed many people taking sides, I find that the haters lack education and perspective. These ignorant deniers just  hate on something they clearly don't understand. At the end of the day these haters are people with agendas, and they are afraid to face truths that we live in a broken system. I feel proud and honored that I'm on the good side, fighting the good fight, and I hope the ignorant people who live off of entitlement and privilege can wake up and see BLM is fighting for them as well !   

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