Sunday, 15 March 2015

Organized Terror: Inspiration for Infamous

ART IMITATES LIFE is the theme for my screenplay INFAMOUS. 

Terrorism is now the big fear machine that's being fuel ed to the nation of sheep. Violence in western culture is perverted into a cultural phenom, people of the Islamic faith are being targeted by suburban ignorance. This generates an exaggerated story for propaganda. Fear is the main strain that seeps through the consciousness of the public, who indulge in the spoils of the western worlds greed.
      I live in the land of the evil empire.... of black oil, equivalent to the blood  of the indigenous cultures that spill ed it on the hands of greedy imperialistic blood hounds. Isis is a name that is designed to spill out of the mouth of the suburban family, that sit through the den of wolves sharing tales of conquest talking heads on a boob tube, snivelling hyenas who speak of carnivorous food.
      I live in the land of the evil empire... Of celebrity gossip, jerk off circles handing out statues to nihilistic liposuction, tits silicon injected lips and Kanye West taking a shit.
      I live in the land of the evil empire....Where snuff film is now a mainstream phenom, of black males being choked out by militarized police nobs, carrying the spoils of war from land of sand
where a man snipes off 100 heads for 100 lambs, then Hollywood romanticize then criticize drone strikes, bullets to the head. I live in the land of the evil empire that worship the living dead.

      The empire strikes back trying to pass a law with impact, be headings spread with blood packs the sheep fear the pigs that shoot back .

I live in the land of the evil empire!

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