Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2014 year in review: The year of the snuff film

2014 was a significant year of sensational horror. The fear mongering elevated to a massive scale selling death to the nation of sheep. The first fear tactic was the ISIS be headings, the heavy rotation of the American captives getting beheaded was released and shown all over the world. CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC and all the web channels spread the visions 24hrs a day. In my opinion the  be headings are staged to create mass hysteria and other propaganda methods. ISIS even
released a fucking Hollywood inspired propaganda video for fuck sakes, on top of that it looked like a
Michael Bay movie. Second snuff event was the murder of Richard Garner. He was illegally
taken down with a choke hold, and ended up going into a coma dying later. This triggered a nation wide back lash of police brutality between the African American community and the NYPD. On top of that the nation was divided following the events of Michael Brown's death,  lastly the most shocking was soon to come. John Crawford was  gunned down in a Walmart for carrying a bb gun, he was shot right on camera. This is by far the most disturbing of the year because he's shot dead without a warning. I hope people realize how cunning and effective these events are played on the news. While people complain about the violence in films  the big picture is clouded in smoke. We have been watching snuff films every day 24 hrs a day in our very own homes, and this is our reality.

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