As the verdict of Darren Wilson comes near, 60 miles away students of a
small town play a friendly game of powder puff football wearing black
face make up. Shockingly the response of the event leaves the school
principle saying "Oh my gosh," they don't mean anything by it. Just let
it go." This is a principle of a High school saying saying let it go!
Apparently the students are unaware of the history of black face, and I
don't blame them for it. I blame institutional racism, because
history is white washed in our schools, film and television. Take a
look at the latest Hollywood historical film Exodus, the roles given to
people of color are servants and slaves while the leads are white A
list actors. This type of ignorance fuels the hate that seeps through
young minds who don't know anything about ancient African civilizations
such as Kushites and Nubian Pharos who built pyramids, taught the
Greeks and Romans science, mathematics and many more. There is a poison
going on in our system and it has an agenda to keep people ignorant,
dumb and hateful. Hopefully as we move further into this new century the
old system will collapse and the true history will be taught and
respected in our schools.
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