Sunday, 30 November 2014
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Exploitation versus art in the media
I find it odd how a portion of the public are quick to judge and criticize films that have a graphic subject matter, while major news stations show murder and death 24 hours a day to the masses. On top of that they insert a nice comfortable pharmaceutical add to sooth the senses. Tragedy is the main selling point for the news in this day and age. That being said with the advancement of social media the average person is subjected to real sensationalized images of real acts of murder on the daily. I'm talking about beheadings, car accidents, footage of wars in the middle east and so forth. With the recent spike of mass shootings, exploits of the killers manifesto is usually recited and played on a continuous cycle by CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.
You have kids under the age of 9 seeing and hearing about violence, and the status quo doesn't bat an eye. Films, video games and music are always the scape goats for greedy politicians, lobbyist and individual partisans with an agenda.
I find films & music that have a social message pose a threat to big players in our
society. These big players are a committee who control censorship. The reason for this is censorship is a form of control, and our society relies on this committee to shape young minds. Why do they want to shape our young minds you ask? So they can create new slaves of consumers to fuel the capitalist pocket. Black Friday, Boxing Day and other pagan holiday's need consumers who watch their form of violence(racial divide, narrative that relies on ignorance)and consumer consumption that numb the mind leaving it an empty shell.
As the final fallout of sensationalized news play out on the daily(ISIS, Ferguson and Ebola epidemics) the media needs its beginning, middle and end with an audience to sell it. So the next time you find a film or video game being banned in your hometown keep in mind of the news station playing carnage on heavy rotation and the hypocrites who are willing to go along with it!
Friday, 28 November 2014
During the summer of 2014, I collaborated with another writer, Mohammed Elber and we came up with a concept of a socially satirical film in the skin of a horror movie. That project is called SLASHER. Set in a alternate universe that takes place 7 years into the future, entertainment is taken at the blood of others in a gladiator tournament where combatants hunt, stalk and prey on their victims while the event is being recorded live feed through their masks. Each masks is equipped with state of the art cameras and hacking technology. The viewer is allowed to vote and make suggestions on how victims can be executed. The more kills the SLASHER gets by performing bloody and brutal deaths the more viewers he/she gets. The protagonist isn’t your original hero, he’s a rich arrogant bastard who is good at killing people. He loves being a super star, and he gains
more fame and notoriety than any movie star, rock star and mass murderer combined. Fame does have a dark side and Richard Bolman (protagonist) gets caught in the middle of it, because when you make murder look this good everyone wants a piece of you! SLASHER is a combination
of action and splatterfest horror. One day I will make it into a feature film.
This sequence is a test short for an idea of how the SLASHER’S stalk and set up a fresh kill.
This sequence was shot on a gopro camera. Special thanks to Michael Welsh, and Matt Churchill
for being the talent.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
It was good to be back at Metro Cinema screening SLASHER for METRO SHORTS. MS is a mini film fest where filmmakers submit a short film that's under 5 min then it gets judged by a panel.
It was an exciting event seeing all the different films and meeting others filmmakers in the community. The judges where very insightful and gave good creative input on your film. Out of the 7 of the films screened I made the top 4, and now I have to create something new for Jan MS. I'm looking forward to the next season especially if I have to create something new and original.
I'm very happy that people responded to SLASHER positively. I now know that I have a creative concept that can engage an audience. Hopefully I can make it into a bigger project.
Gun nuts’ special privileges: How police treated a dangerous “open carry” zealot
What do you suppose would happen to an agitated, belligerent
African-American man wandering around on the street in his pajamas
yelling at people, waving a gun around and telling police to shoot him?
Judging from what we saw happen in St Louis to Kajieme Powell, he would likely be shot dead by police almost immediately. But that’s not what happened to this gentleman in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
In fact, what happened in Kalamazoo was a picture-perfect example of
smart, strategic policing to deescalate a possibly lethal situation.
Of course, the perpetrator was a white, 63-year-old “open-carry” advocate who was drunkenly asserting his right to bear arms in the middle of the day — the very definition of a “good guy with a gun.”
Here’s what happened. It was a Sunday afternoon about 4 p.m. when Kalamazoo 9-1-1 got several calls from citizens concerned about an intoxicated man with a gun walking around a coin laundry and “stumbling around a little bit and kind of bumping into some stuff” on the street. The police arrived shortly and confronted the man by saying, “Hey, partner, how you doing? Can you set that down real quick and talk to me?” (The officer didn’t have his gun drawn.) The armed man refused to set it down. The officer told him that he was jaywalking and was being detained. At that point the officer radioed that the armed man would not drop the weapon. He tells the man again that he just wants to talk to him and says, “You’re walking around here scaring people, man.”
A second police car arrives at the scene. The man refuses to identify himself and demands to know if he’s free to go and the officer says no, that he is resisting and obstructing, a misdemeanor, for jaywalking and failing to identify himself. The man says, “Why don’t you fucking shoot me?” The officer gently replies, “I don’t want to shoot you; I’m not here to do that.”
This back and forth continues, with the man refusing to give up his gun and the cops patiently trying to talk him down from his position. The whole time he’s rambling about revolution and accusing the cops of being “gang members.” It becomes clear that he has conceived this drunken episode as an “open carry” demonstration. He’s proving to the community how important it is that “good guys” be allowed to carry guns on the street to protect themselves.
Heather Digby Parton, also known as "Digby," is a contributing writer to Salon. She was the winner of the 2014 Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism.
Of course, the perpetrator was a white, 63-year-old “open-carry” advocate who was drunkenly asserting his right to bear arms in the middle of the day — the very definition of a “good guy with a gun.”
Here’s what happened. It was a Sunday afternoon about 4 p.m. when Kalamazoo 9-1-1 got several calls from citizens concerned about an intoxicated man with a gun walking around a coin laundry and “stumbling around a little bit and kind of bumping into some stuff” on the street. The police arrived shortly and confronted the man by saying, “Hey, partner, how you doing? Can you set that down real quick and talk to me?” (The officer didn’t have his gun drawn.) The armed man refused to set it down. The officer told him that he was jaywalking and was being detained. At that point the officer radioed that the armed man would not drop the weapon. He tells the man again that he just wants to talk to him and says, “You’re walking around here scaring people, man.”
A second police car arrives at the scene. The man refuses to identify himself and demands to know if he’s free to go and the officer says no, that he is resisting and obstructing, a misdemeanor, for jaywalking and failing to identify himself. The man says, “Why don’t you fucking shoot me?” The officer gently replies, “I don’t want to shoot you; I’m not here to do that.”
This back and forth continues, with the man refusing to give up his gun and the cops patiently trying to talk him down from his position. The whole time he’s rambling about revolution and accusing the cops of being “gang members.” It becomes clear that he has conceived this drunken episode as an “open carry” demonstration. He’s proving to the community how important it is that “good guys” be allowed to carry guns on the street to protect themselves.
12 police are on the scene, including a supervisor and SWAT negotiator.
The street is shut down in both directions. Police recordings describe
the man as agitated and hostile and although he is holding his gun at
“parade rest” he’s switching it back and forth and fumbling in his
pockets for chewing tobacco. After much discussion, he finally agrees to
give up the weapon.
Do the police then instantly swarm him and wrestle him to the ground? Do they handcuff him, throw him in the back of the police car and arrest him for the trouble he’s caused? Did he get roughed up or put in a chokehold for resisting arrest and being uncooperative?
None of that happened to this man. The police took his gun and then said he could have it back immediately if he agreed to take a breathalyzer test on the spot. (You can be arrested for carrying a firearm while intoxicated in Michigan if you blow a .08 or above, the same legal limit for DUI.) The man refused. They carried on for a while longer with the man objecting to having his gun taken away even as the police explain that he is free to walk home and retrieve it at the police station the next day. They spar over whether he’s mentally unstable and if it’s a good idea for him to “demonstrate” this way, particularly being hostile to the police. He finally apologizes and leaves the scene without his gun. No charges were filed. Nobody was hurt. He got his gun back.
That’s very different from what happened to Kaijame Powell, the young black man from St. Louis with mental problems. A shop owner called the police to report a shoplifter and said he had a knife. The man walks around on the sidewalk in an agitated fashion. A few minutes later a police car races up the street and stops at the curb in front of him, two officers jump out with guns drawn shouting, “Put down the knife!” He says, “Shoot me, shoot me,” and he walks toward the car and they fire their guns, killing him on the spot. The whole altercation took 30 seconds. The St. Louis police chief said that the video of the incident was “exculpatory” and explained that the officers could not have done anything different (like use the tasers they carried on their belt) because nothing else was “guaranteed” to stop the victim.
Just a few days before that another African-American man named John Crawford was shopping in an Ohio Wal-Mart while talking to his wife on the phone. He’d picked up a BB gun the store sells and apparently some patrons were afraid and called police. The wife heard the cops order him to put down the weapon and he immediately shouted, “It’s not real.” Then they opened fire and killed him. (Another shopper collapsed and died as she tried to get away from the gunfire.) Crawford had two young children and a third on the way.
Many people have wondered how one is supposed to know which people carrying guns in public are “good guys” who just want to defend the Constitution and which ones are the “bad guys” who are dangerous. Evidently, one way that some people tell the difference is by the color of their skin. A drunk white man wandering around with a gun, spouting gibberish, leads the police to be patient and considerate since he’s obviously just exercising his Second Amendment right to bear arms and just needs to be talked down and counseled a bit. If it’s an agitated young black man with a knife he’s clearly trying to kill someone and the police need to kill him first.
The first method is the proper one. Those Michigan police followed the law and they used common sense. The man wasn’t trying to kill anyone, but he was drunk, angry and potentially dangerous. They could easily have escalated that situation into something tragic. But they took their time and whether you agree that the man should have been arrested or not, one thing is sure: In the end everyone went home alive and in one piece.
Unfortunately, the police in Missouri and Ohio shot first and asked questions later and two young men are dead when they didn’t have to be. It’s very hard not to conclude that if they looked more like that man in Michigan, they would have had a much better chance of surviving.
Do the police then instantly swarm him and wrestle him to the ground? Do they handcuff him, throw him in the back of the police car and arrest him for the trouble he’s caused? Did he get roughed up or put in a chokehold for resisting arrest and being uncooperative?
None of that happened to this man. The police took his gun and then said he could have it back immediately if he agreed to take a breathalyzer test on the spot. (You can be arrested for carrying a firearm while intoxicated in Michigan if you blow a .08 or above, the same legal limit for DUI.) The man refused. They carried on for a while longer with the man objecting to having his gun taken away even as the police explain that he is free to walk home and retrieve it at the police station the next day. They spar over whether he’s mentally unstable and if it’s a good idea for him to “demonstrate” this way, particularly being hostile to the police. He finally apologizes and leaves the scene without his gun. No charges were filed. Nobody was hurt. He got his gun back.
That’s very different from what happened to Kaijame Powell, the young black man from St. Louis with mental problems. A shop owner called the police to report a shoplifter and said he had a knife. The man walks around on the sidewalk in an agitated fashion. A few minutes later a police car races up the street and stops at the curb in front of him, two officers jump out with guns drawn shouting, “Put down the knife!” He says, “Shoot me, shoot me,” and he walks toward the car and they fire their guns, killing him on the spot. The whole altercation took 30 seconds. The St. Louis police chief said that the video of the incident was “exculpatory” and explained that the officers could not have done anything different (like use the tasers they carried on their belt) because nothing else was “guaranteed” to stop the victim.
Just a few days before that another African-American man named John Crawford was shopping in an Ohio Wal-Mart while talking to his wife on the phone. He’d picked up a BB gun the store sells and apparently some patrons were afraid and called police. The wife heard the cops order him to put down the weapon and he immediately shouted, “It’s not real.” Then they opened fire and killed him. (Another shopper collapsed and died as she tried to get away from the gunfire.) Crawford had two young children and a third on the way.
Many people have wondered how one is supposed to know which people carrying guns in public are “good guys” who just want to defend the Constitution and which ones are the “bad guys” who are dangerous. Evidently, one way that some people tell the difference is by the color of their skin. A drunk white man wandering around with a gun, spouting gibberish, leads the police to be patient and considerate since he’s obviously just exercising his Second Amendment right to bear arms and just needs to be talked down and counseled a bit. If it’s an agitated young black man with a knife he’s clearly trying to kill someone and the police need to kill him first.
The first method is the proper one. Those Michigan police followed the law and they used common sense. The man wasn’t trying to kill anyone, but he was drunk, angry and potentially dangerous. They could easily have escalated that situation into something tragic. But they took their time and whether you agree that the man should have been arrested or not, one thing is sure: In the end everyone went home alive and in one piece.
Unfortunately, the police in Missouri and Ohio shot first and asked questions later and two young men are dead when they didn’t have to be. It’s very hard not to conclude that if they looked more like that man in Michigan, they would have had a much better chance of surviving.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Monday, 24 November 2014
Friday, 21 November 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Institutional Racisim
As the verdict of Darren Wilson comes near, 60 miles away students of a
small town play a friendly game of powder puff football wearing black
face make up. Shockingly the response of the event leaves the school
principle saying "Oh my gosh," they don't mean anything by it. Just let
it go." This is a principle of a High school saying saying let it go!
Apparently the students are unaware of the history of black face, and I
don't blame them for it. I blame institutional racism, because
history is white washed in our schools, film and television. Take a
look at the latest Hollywood historical film Exodus, the roles given to
people of color are servants and slaves while the leads are white A
list actors. This type of ignorance fuels the hate that seeps through
young minds who don't know anything about ancient African civilizations
such as Kushites and Nubian Pharos who built pyramids, taught the
Greeks and Romans science, mathematics and many more. There is a poison
going on in our system and it has an agenda to keep people ignorant,
dumb and hateful. Hopefully as we move further into this new century the
old system will collapse and the true history will be taught and
respected in our schools.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Here is a poster I designed as a part of my REVELATIONS series, a series I created as a social commentary on society. The modern world has a love for death, murder and mayhem. Historic
mass murderers get a level of status that JESUS gets and are glorified in the public eye.
It's the reason why I have JESUS with the face of DEATH. The background is a compilation of
violent acts of the 20th century mixed with the madmen who shaped the 21'st.
Monday, 17 November 2014
In the wake of the Darren Wilson verdict Ferguson Missouri is in a state of emergency, declared
by the Gov. Jay Nixon. The state is preparing for an all out war. Given the history of THE UNITED
STATES OF AMERIKKKA Darren Wilson will go free with zero charges. The people can already predict the outcome of the verdict, therefore protestors are ready. The KKK issued a statement that they're going to kill some of the protesters, and their bull shit scare tactics got shut down by Anonymous(social hacktivist) hacking into their social media sites and revealing the Klan's cowardly ways to the world. As the hood of the Klan got lifted it revealed average people who work in the school district, government jobs and police services(which explains a lot). Anonymous said clearly "bring it on you cowardly fucks." As I sit here patiently waiting to see what will unfold two songs come to mind. The first one is "Wicked"by ICE CUBE and the second song is "We had to tare this mother fucker up" both song's on CUBE'S socially political gangsta rap album THE PREDATOR. The songs predicts what will happen when people are pushed to the brink.
I hope a riot does not ensue because if it does the outraged people are playing into these racists fuckers hands, but in the real world violence may be the only answer. Lets get one thing clear AMERIKKKA was built off violence, rape, bloodshed and hate. The verdict will show the real dark side of race relations in AMERIKKKA. Whether they have a black president or not social unrest will not stand while Darren Wilson gets away with murder.
At the end of the day news media & social media are going to eat up the aftermath while trying to profit off of peoples rage. AND THE WORLD WILL SEE THE TRUE DEFINITION OF WICKED!
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Friday, 14 November 2014
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Saturday, 8 November 2014
MOBB DEEP @ YEG Dance club
Mobb Deep is one of my all time fav rap groups. On Halloween they
blessed the stage at YEG Dance club and I got some sweet footage of it.
Local Edmonton emcees pumped up the crowed and got the show moving.
Check it out and leave comments!
Thursday, 6 November 2014
OMID - World Injustice
Here is another music video I directed and shot for hiphop artist OMID. He did the editing
on his vid. This was a fun project especially with the message it leaves with the viewer.
Omid is a muslim emcee who felt really moved during the Palestine & Israel conflict that occurred during the summer of 2014. Omid wrote a compelling track about the conflict and approached me early in the fall about directing a music video. The shoot was good and I'm really happy with the result. Check out his vid and leave comments.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Say what's on your mind and fuck being politically correct
I stand by my words, BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS TRAINED PEOPLE TO BE CENSORIZED PUPPETS. Yes motherfucker! I wrote that last sentence in capital letters because I wanted to, and yes there will be grammatical errors in my post. If you have a problem with that you can fuck off. I hate how we as a society have the need to restrain ourselves when it comes to issues that deal with political correctness. All our lives we're told not do this, not say that, and within the last decade social media made it worse and I'm sick of it. All this conditioning leaves us to being house trained pets that are waiting to get spaded. Anyone who FOLLOWS an internet celeb have nothing original to say and are comfortable being their "YESMAN" and I find it to be a complete joke.
If some asshole says something I don't see eye to eye with I'm going to be out spoken about it. And if their followers don't agree with me then fine come at me, I will stand my ground.
I'm a little heated today because the people we voted into power are nothing more than blood sucking vampires with an agenda. Why are artistic ventures in Alberta only suited for elitist? Fuck, it annoys me how old ass conservative people are in charge of the creative processes in this damn province. I know so many talented people who get slept on because they don't fit the ideal look. THE FILM GAME IS ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW! My goal is to make moves independently and to stay focused. I refuse to fit into your fucking box, I refuse to be your house nigger that has to kiss ass. I will be that fucking time bomb ready to go off, I will continue to be creative, original and blood thirsty when it comes to my art!
I stand by my words, BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS TRAINED PEOPLE TO BE CENSORIZED PUPPETS. Yes motherfucker! I wrote that last sentence in capital letters because I wanted to, and yes there will be grammatical errors in my post. If you have a problem with that you can fuck off. I hate how we as a society have the need to restrain ourselves when it comes to issues that deal with political correctness. All our lives we're told not do this, not say that, and within the last decade social media made it worse and I'm sick of it. All this conditioning leaves us to being house trained pets that are waiting to get spaded. Anyone who FOLLOWS an internet celeb have nothing original to say and are comfortable being their "YESMAN" and I find it to be a complete joke.
If some asshole says something I don't see eye to eye with I'm going to be out spoken about it. And if their followers don't agree with me then fine come at me, I will stand my ground.
I'm a little heated today because the people we voted into power are nothing more than blood sucking vampires with an agenda. Why are artistic ventures in Alberta only suited for elitist? Fuck, it annoys me how old ass conservative people are in charge of the creative processes in this damn province. I know so many talented people who get slept on because they don't fit the ideal look. THE FILM GAME IS ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW! My goal is to make moves independently and to stay focused. I refuse to fit into your fucking box, I refuse to be your house nigger that has to kiss ass. I will be that fucking time bomb ready to go off, I will continue to be creative, original and blood thirsty when it comes to my art!
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Monday, 3 November 2014
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Saturday, 1 November 2014
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