Wednesday, 11 June 2014

A well written article on school shootings

I found this well written article on school shootings. I find it odd how people think these random
act of senseless violence is a new thing. Spree shootings, mass murder and school shootings
have been going on since the dawn of the 20th century. In the early 1960's Charles Whitmen
shot and murdered innocent people from a clock tower. The only thing new to this violent
phenom is the sensationalized publicity from the media. Society has been intrigued by murder
and death, look at the gladiator games during the Roman Empire. The mass murderers get
24hr coverage and their entire life stories spilled out to the public. Then the social vampires
come to eat off the spotlight with their agendas. Will these shootings get worse, yes and what
can we as a society do to stop it........ We need to listen.

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